Calculates the path of wins from Hikaru to your account.
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon for chess.
The final version of the website is built using Vuejs with vite as a build tool hosted on Netlify.
Built through 4 iterations of upgrades:
Built with React js with an ugly design and using the highest rated win from each player to calculate chain. asked to tweet about the website V2.
Used api to check everyone who lost to Hikaru and everyone that lost to those that lost to Hikaru. This calculates the first 3 degrees to enable a higher accuracy in the user chain. This required a database of around 300 000 players.
Pending the expiry of the domain I decided to redesign the website before it expired. This also included re-writing the application in Vuejs.
Having been gifted some free AWS credit I decided to expand the database of pre calculated paths. As a result I ran around 3 million queries to the api to calculate the paths to 4 degrees. This results in a database of 6,988,458 users and increases accuracy immensly.